Paper on Cryptosporidium sex out in Nature Microbiology
Article by graduate student Jayesh Tandel on sexual development out today in Nature Microbiology. Jayesh and his colleagues made the...

Alexis wins speaker award at FASEB Microbial Pathogenesis Conference
Graduate student Alexis Gibson won the Junior Investigator Award for her talk on Cryptosporidium host parasite interaction at the FASEB...

New paper in Cell Host Microbe shows way to vaccine
Isolating a naturally occurring species of mouse Cryptosporidium, we developed a model of infection in normal immunocompentent mice. We...

Dr. Katelyn Walzer joins lab for postdoc
Katie recently graduated with a PhD from Duke University where she used single cell sequencing to study the development of Plasmodium...

Bethan joins lab for postdoc
Dr. Bethan Wallbank joins the lab as a new postdoctoral fellow to study Cryptosporidium in vivo biology. Bethan is a recent graduate of...

Our former colleague Mattie won the Sir Henry Dale Award
Dr. Mattie Pawlowic won the Sir Henry Dale Award from the Wellcome Trust and the Royal Society for work on how Cryptosporidium builds its...

Jennie & Alexis win awards at MPM, Amandine at EMBO-Parafrap
Jennie won best short talk awards at Molecular Parasitology Meeting in Woods Hole for her studies on Cryptosporidium exported proteins....

Mastan joins lab for postdoc
Dr. Mastanbabu Somepalli arrived in Philadelphia to join us to work on new genetic approaches to dissect the metabolism of...

Amandine wins EMBO long-term fellowship.
Dr. Amandine Guerin just received note of a two year EMBO long-term fellowship in support of her postdoctoral work on Cryptosporidium...

Dr. Adam Sateriale received NIH K99 career award
Congrats to Adam for winning an NIH K99 Pathway to Independence Award for his work on Cryptosporidium! This highly competitive award...

We are hosting Symposium on Immunity to Cryptosporidium 3/12/2018
Diarrheal diseases are responsible for ten percent of all mortality in children under-five world-wide and even milder forms of intestinal...

New Gates Foundation Grant to enable Crypto drug development
We are most grateful to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for substantial funding to pursue Cryptosporidium genetics. Under this...

Mattie off to Scotland and her own lab. Congrats!
Dr. Mattie Pawlowic started her new position as a lecturer and principle investigator at the Division of Biological Chemistry and Drug...

Boris most grateful to receive William Trager Award for Basic Parasitiology
Boris received the William Trager Award for fundamental parasitology from Dr. Christine Petersen at the ASTMH meeting in Baltimore. Boris...

Dr. Sateriale wins MPM best talk award and speaks at ASTMH in Baltimore
Adam won a best talk award at MPM 2017 in Woods Hole. This resulted in an invitation to also speak at this year's American Society of...