Gates Foundation Grand Challenge Exploration Award for natural crypto mouse model
This collaboration between the University of Georgia and the National Institutes of Health will establish a natural infection model in...

New NIH RO1 project to unravel Crypto lifecycle
We are grateful to the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for a new five year $1.25M grant to fund our research on...

Boris interacts with microbiome at PENN/CHOP symposium in Philadelphia
Boris spoke about Cryptosporidium and its many interactions with the bacterial flora of the intestine in Philadelphia. Superb symposium...

Adam & Boris attend fantastic ParaFrap meeting in France
Adam and Boris attended the 2nd Parafrap Conference in Les Embiez, France and presented work on Cryptosporidium genetics. Thanks to...

Jayesh wins award to present at ASTMH
Graduate student Jayesh Tandel won recognition for his outstanding talk at the 2016 MPM meeting. In addition to a cash prize he received...

Jayesh gives great talk at MPM 2016
3rd year graduate student Jayesh Tandel presented his research on the sexual development of Cryptosporidium at the Molecular Parasitology...

Mattie speaks at Wellcome Centre in Glasgow
Dr. Mattie Pawlovic will present an invited talk on her research on Cryptosporidium at the 4th Young Investigator Symposium at the...

Boris teaches at MeBoP in Bern
The brainchild of Lilach Sheiner and Omar Harb the Middle Eastern Biology of Parasitism course is a great venue for science and...

Adam receives NIH T33 postdoctoral award
Dr. Adam Sateriale is awarded postdoctoral training grant to unravel the importance of horizontally transferred genes in Cryptosporidium...

Frank Seeber from the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin spends sabbatical with us
Professor Frank Seeber a Toxoplasma expert from the Robert Koch Insitut in Berlin spends a month with us do work on improved culture...

Boris visits University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka, Zambia
Boris spoke at the Parasitology conference of the Novartis Institute for Tropical Diseases held this year in Lusaka Zambia. After the...

Jennie wins people's award at 3 min thesis competition -- watch the video
Jennie Dumaine explained her research on protein export of Cryptosporidium to a sell out crowd at Cine -- in three minutes. Jennie did an...

Sumiti wins MPM speaker award
Dr. Sumiti Vinayak won award for outstanding oral presentation at the 2016 Molecular Parasitology Meeting at the MBL in Woods Hole. As...

Jan arrives from Sydney for sabbatical
Professor Jan Slapeta from the Faculty of Veterinary Science at the University of Sydney in Australia arrives for a sabbatical in the...

Adam gives talk at FASEB meeting
Dr. Adam Sateriale speaks at FASEB Molecular Pathogenesis: Mechanisms of Infectious Disease conference in Keystone Colorado.